Mrs Badial is a Consultant Ophthalmic surgeon at Sulis Hospital Bath. She graduated in medicine with a Distinction from the University of Leeds. She also gained a 1st Class honours degree in Clinical Sciences from the University of Leeds.

Mrs Badial’s specialist interest is medical retina related disease so she pursued a Fellowship at Moorfields Eye Hospital, London. This fellowship allowed vast exposure to research and clinical experience in Age-Related Macular degeneration, eye diseases related to diabetes, retinal vein occlusions, infectious and non-infectious inflammatory eye diseases.

I would like to thank you for performing my cataract surgery. I am thrilled to bits with my new eyesight it continues to amaze and delight. I realise how little I was seeing before!

Thank you so much for everything you have done that has made it possible to see clearly again. I so do appreciate your loyal devotion and also that of your team. A huge thank you.

Cataract Surgery

Macular Degeneration

Diabetic Eye Disease

Retinal Vascular Disease

Intravitreal Injections

All Eye Conditions